Read The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time Manage Stress and Take Charge of Your Life Goali Saedi Bocci PhD Gina M Biegel MA LMFT Books

By Antonia Warner on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Read The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time Manage Stress and Take Charge of Your Life Goali Saedi Bocci PhD Gina M Biegel MA LMFT Books

Download As PDF : The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time Manage Stress and Take Charge of Your Life Goali Saedi Bocci PhD Gina M Biegel MA LMFT Books

Download PDF The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time Manage Stress and Take Charge of Your Life Goali Saedi Bocci PhD Gina M Biegel MA LMFT Books

Is social media stressing you out? Written by a millennial psychologist and media expert, this workbook offers practical skills to help you reduce anxiety, balance screen time, deal with cyberbullies, and take charge of your life.

Social media has drastically changed how we communicate with one another. In many ways this is a good thing. For example, it’s easier than ever to stay connected to family and friends who live far away. But social media can also become addictive, stressful, and even alienating. If you’re like many teens, you probably check your smartphone several times throughout the day to stay up to date on the news from friends. But what happens when you’re so worried about missing the latest posts on your feed that you end up missing out on real life adventures and connections?

Grounded in evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), this unique and relatable workbook will help you manage the stress and anxiety that can result from excessive screen time. You’ll discover how to choose friends over followers, find tips for navigating cyberbullying, and discover new ways to get back in touch with your own life—without your smartphone or other devices.

Social media has an important place in your life—but it shouldn’t rule your life. It’s also important to remember that the “highlight reels” you see of your friends’ lives aren’t necessarily the “real” truth. If you’re ready to reduce social media stress, gain confidence in yourself, and become more engaged in the world around you, this workbook will show you how.

Read The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time Manage Stress and Take Charge of Your Life Goali Saedi Bocci PhD Gina M Biegel MA LMFT Books

"The book fills a much-needed gap! It is accessible both for parents/teens as well as professionals. The practical strategies and worksheets offer very concrete ways to implement changes, which is a huge plus when working with this population!"

Product details

  • Paperback 152 pages
  • Publisher Instant Help; 1 edition (March 1, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1684031907

Read The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time Manage Stress and Take Charge of Your Life Goali Saedi Bocci PhD Gina M Biegel MA LMFT Books

Tags : The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time, Manage Stress, and Take Charge of Your Life (9781684031900) Goali Saedi Bocci PhD, Gina M. Biegel MA LMFT Books,Goali Saedi Bocci PhD, Gina M. Biegel MA LMFT,The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time, Manage Stress, and Take Charge of Your Life,Instant Help,1684031907,Internet,Internet and teenagers - Psychological aspects,Life skills,Social media,Teenagers,JUVENILE,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Juvenile Non-Fiction,PSYCHOLOGY / General,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Social Topics / Bullying,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Social Topics / Compulsive Behavior,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Social Topics / Emotions Feelings,YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Social Topics / Friendship,Young Adult Nonfiction/Social Topics - Bullying,Young Adult Nonfiction/Social Topics - Compulsive Behavior,Young Adult Nonfiction/Social Topics - Friendship,mindfulness; networking; Facebook; Twitter; SnapChat; iPhones; iPads; adolescents; therapy; counseling; social anxiety; social media depression; social media health; teen anxiety; cyberbullying books; screen time; teen stress; social media addiction; cbt for teens; cognitive behavioral therapy for teens; smartphone addiction; low self esteem; confidence; teen screen addiction books; fomo; fear of missing out; cyber bullying; nomophobia,. Internet addiction teens; social media negative; social media psychology; social media effects; gaming addiction; online bullying; teen self care; phone addiction; teen self-help; interpersonal therapy; phone dependency,social media depression;social media health;teen anxiety;cyberbullying books;screen time;teen stress;social media addiction;cbt for teens;cognitive behavioral therapy for teens;smartphone addiction;low self esteem;confidence;teen screen addiction books;fomo;fear of missing out;mindfulness;cyber bullying;social anxiety;nomophobia,. Internet addiction teens;social media negative;social media psychology;social media effects;gaming addiction;online bullying; teen self care;phone addiction;mindfulness;networking;Facebook;Twitter;SnapChat;iPhones;iPads;adolescents;therapy;counseling;teen self-help;interpersonal therapy;phone dependency

The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time Manage Stress and Take Charge of Your Life Goali Saedi Bocci PhD Gina M Biegel MA LMFT Books Reviews :

The Social Media Workbook for Teens Skills to Help You Balance Screen Time Manage Stress and Take Charge of Your Life Goali Saedi Bocci PhD Gina M Biegel MA LMFT Books Reviews

  • Great info all teens should have access to. The world is a scary place and teens often feel so invincible, so untouchable and feel so at ease and safe online that they forget the same dangers (or worse) lurk online just like in the real world. Every person should know what seem like such simple rules for staying safe online, but so many don’t even think about them. This book is a must read for kids and parents both on how to stay smart and hopefully protected by following these rules while interacting and posting online.
  • Most families today are struggling with how to manage screen time and keep their kids safe while still allowing them to learn to use the rapidly changing technology at their fingertips. Dr. Saedi Bocci has created a practical, insightful workbook that can help our kids (and their parents) gain control and perspective on social media use and device use in general. She provides well thought out exercises to help her readers more mindfully manage time, set goals and rediscover the joys of living in real life. She also offers valuable ways to deal with the stress, anxiety and FOMO so common in today's chaotic world. I highly recommend this workbook for any family struggling to find balance in today's connected world. It would also be a very helpful resource for establishing "technology rules" before giving a child their first cell phone, computer or internet connected video game.
  • Dr. Saedi Bocci has shined the spotlight on the detrimental effects of chronic social media overuse on mental health, and has offered a user-friendly framework for actively reengaging with the world offline! Encouraging intentional activities such as “exercising without earbuds” and “getting bored on purpose”, Dr. Saedi-Bocci provides her readers with the hope and structure necessary to step away from the screen. As the parent of a young child, I found myself considering ways of implementing this valuable content at an even earlier age to instill the value of “IRL” experiences over virtual ones. I tip my hat to Dr. Saedi Bocci for developing such a timely, and much needed, resource for young people!
  • Written with empathy and above all pragmatism, this workbook is not just for teens! As an adult, I’ve found application to my own life in setting boundaries with others, avoiding the distraction of technology, and embracing life in the moment. I think teens will appreciate the balance of structure and freedom in the exercises, which will help them recognize their own patterns and triggers, set their own SMART goals, and maintain their progress. The author makes it easier to cut back on detrimental behaviors by suggesting thoughtful replacements, and she offers specific, practical strategies that can be scaled up or down as needed. Her goal isn’t to return readers to a time before smart phones, but to encourage mindful usage and, ultimately, holistic wellbeing.
  • I can't wait to begin using this workbook with young clients. It is so user friendly and intuitive--which is perfect for this young generation who probably wouldn't have the interest or patience for a book that wasn't. The lessons are practical and straightforward. They are clearly laid out with examples to make them easy to implement. A nice bonus has been that after reading the book I saw what a useful tool it would be for me as a parent too! These days kids seem to come out of the womb with an iPad in their hands. I want my kid to have a life outside of a screen and I'm going to use this book's tips and advice to help do this. To be honest, I should probably implement some of Dr Saedi Bocci's lessons to balance my own screen time usage!!
  • This is an amazing workbook that I will definitely start using with my tween. Thanks to New Harbinger Publications, Inc. and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.
  • The book fills a much-needed gap! It is accessible both for parents/teens as well as professionals. The practical strategies and worksheets offer very concrete ways to implement changes, which is a huge plus when working with this population!
  • I have already recommended this workbook several times to my clients and their parents. Adults would also benefit from this workbook. Learn how to set appropriate boundaries regarding social media use, and limit your exposure to the drama that goes along with it. Your time management skills will improve, and you will have social media as a part of your life, not your whole life. Highly recommended.